Gum and Teeth Problems Best Treated With Lasers at Laser Dentistry Vermont Clinic

Mechanical equipments used for dental procedures can cause pain and discomfort and also some damage. Lasers used in dentistry do not cause these problems and have several advantages which are why they are growing in popularity for a variety of dental procedures. Modern laser dentistry Vermont clinic, for instances, extensively relies on the use of lasers for cosmetic procedures and for orthodontic treatments.

Laser for gum issues

Infection and neglect of teeth can cause gums to become inflamed and infected with bacteria. Gums may recede. Normal surgical procedures lead to bleeding and pain in addition to slow healing. For instance, a patient may undergo surgical removal of gum tissue through gingivectomy. Once this is done the gums must be reshaped in a process known as gingivoplasty. Even if gums are healthy but have receded, gingivoplasty may be performed. Use of laser is the best method since lasers can control the depth of cut, achieve better precision and cauterize the gum tissue during the procedure. This results in less bleeding and less pain. Lasers also promote faster tissue regeneration. It is therefore, advisable to opt for laser dentistry Vermont dentists specialize in.

Root canal

When you undergo root canal at laser dentistry Vermont clinic, the procedure is better with the use of lasers. Lasers can penetrate to precise depths, kill bacteria and remove caries. In addition, lasers can be used to reshape gums and prepare the tooth for a crown. Lasers are used to harden toot filling in seconds.

Teeth whitening

Dentists at laser dentistry Vermont clinic use lasers along with peroxide bleaches. Lasers speed up the process and penetrate deeper causing the teeth to look whiter. If teeth are not too discolored or highly stained just one sitting results in white teeth.

Lesion removal

Again, lasers have proved their worth in lesion removal. Some people may have cankers or lesions in the mouth. Children may have hemangioma, a patch of dark colored skin. All these conditions are best treated with lasers at laser dentistry Vermont clinic.


Regular dental checkups are a must since it helps a dentist to ascertain if a patient has oral cancer. In cases where the dentist suspects the presence of cancer he may carry out a biopsy using lasers at the laser dentistry Vermont clinic. Biopsies with lasers are quick and far less painful. From minor to major dental procedures, lasers have proved their worth. You may think it is more expensive but if you consider the cost of pain and discomfort that traditional surgery brings in its wake then you will find that laser dentistry Vermont clinics offer is not all that costly.


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